Scalerail - Simple, Effective, Fun!

Adult Learners.

It's never too late to start playing the piano........


Here’s some tips from the SCALERAIL team

Find a teacher who has experience of teaching adults

Set yourself realistic tasks and targets

Try to practice regularly - little and often is best

Keep your piano in tune

Be aware of how your body feels before, during and after practice: try to keep as relaxed a possible - SCALERAIL can help with this

Don't be over critical of yourself

Make allowances for other things going on in your life. If you have to suspend practice temporarily don't feel guilty!

Aim to have a lesson every week. This will help maintain your momentum and enthusiasm

Consider incorporating MUSIC THEORY into your studies - this will really help with your progress

Set yourself goals. The ABRSM offers a performance assessment for adults with no pass or fail

Try to stick to a balanced programme of study that includes:

  • Technical Exercises
  • Scales and Arpeggios
  • Pieces covering as many different styles as possible
  • Sight Reading
  • Aural Training
  • Music Theory

Most important of all - enjoy yourself!